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    Basic Flight School

    Callsign Eagle

    Basic Flight School is designed to teach pilots how to conduct basic flight Operations. These operations include:

    Formation Flight

    Airfield Operations



    Pilots who are experienced in flight may progress through this program at a quick pace. Many demonstrating the skills required in a single flight.

  • Training Air Wing 2 (TAW 2) 

    AV8B - Tiger

    F/A-18C - Ranger

    F14B - Boomer

    Taw 2 is the advanced flight school for Naval Aircraft within CENTCOM. TAW 2 will conduct advanced school for F/A-18C, F14, AV8B II N/A. 

    During this process pilots are taught the ins and outs of their Airframe, Boat operations along with weapons qualification

  • 1st Flying Training Squadron (1 FTS)

    The 1st FTS is designed to teach the Air Force Fixed Wing Pilots their Advanced Skills, this includes systems along with weapons qualifications and tactics

  • 110th Aviation Brigade

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