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  • Marine Air Group 11

    The Marine Aviation Assigned to vCENTCOM

  • VMFA(AW)-225


    Aircraft: F/A-18C

    Pilots: 12


    Flight Schedule: 

    Thursday 2000 Eastern

    Saturday 2000 Eastern


    Primary Mission: Direct Strike, Long-Range Strike, Strategic Strike, & SEAD.


    Secondary Mission: Anti-Ship Strikes, CAP, CAS, & FAC(A).


    Operating Restrictions: Carrier operations are authorized and considered primary but may not be the sole launch and recovery point for operations. Air-to-Air Refueling is limited to a refueler equipped with a “basket.” Airfield operations are limited to a cloud ceiling of 1,500 AGL due to a lack of an ILS system.


    Shut Down Criteria: if at any time the VMFA(AW)-225 is unable to field at least three pilots after their first 90 days, and no clear and direct plan for revitalizing the Squadron is available the Squadron shall be deemed non-mission capable

  • VMA-223


    Aircraft: AV-8B II N/A

    Pilots: 8


    Flight Schedule: 

    Thursday 2000 Eastern

    Saturday 2000 Eastern


    Primary Mission: Short Range SEAD, Area Penetration, Short CAS, & Area Denial.


    Secondary Mission: HELO Escort, CAP, Direct Strike, Anti-Armor, & Convoy Escort.


    Operating Restrictions: 25,000 AGL & Air superiority required.


    Shut Down Criteria: if at any time the VMA-223 is unable to field at least two pilots after their first 90 days, and no clear and direct plan for revitalizing the Squadron is available the Squadron shall be deemed non-mission capable.

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