Recruiting Process
Our process is simplified in order to ensure a streamlined approach to recruiting. In order to join you should navigate to the Application for the Airframe that you are interested in under the Recruitment tab. After submitting your application, you will then be contact in the discord for an Orientation Flight. During the Orientation Flight you will get controls setup, go over the rules and have a basic flight assessment done in order to better understand your training needs. From there you will be assigned to the Training Division to begin learning your Airframe.
In Basic Flight School you will show proficiency in Takeoffs, Landings, Patterns, Communications and Formation Flight in the T45 (Free Download Mod). From there you will be assigned to Advanced Flight School where you will learn your selected air frame. Pilots may progress through this process at their own pace. During advanced flight you will show the ability to utilize the systems and weapons of the airframe. Once you have shown your ability to complete these tasks you will be assigned to your squadron and will then be able to conduct combat operations with your entire squadron.