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LtCol Wood

VFA 41
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LtCol Wood's Achievements


Rookie (2/16)

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Recent Badges

  1. until
    A2A BFM Training
  2. until
    VMFA-225 Monday Training Flight - Pacific time slot - 7:30 PM This is an optional flight night, which will count toward monthly attendance.
  3. until
    VMFA 225 NTTR Training Flight
  4. until
    VMFA 225 Nevada Orientation - Saturday flight
  5. until
    VMFA 225 Nevada Orientation
  6. until
    Close Air Support Training
  7. until
    DIMC Strike with GPS munitions
  8. until
    Nighttime convoy strike
  9. until
    Grey Flag Server Raid More details to follow - Hoping to loop in the 41st
  10. until
    Keyhole training and formations Guided weapons
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